I bought myself this gorgeous vintage towel a few weeks ago with my upcoming b-day in mind.

I planned on turning it into a calendar tote for myself to carry on my birthday.

well, today is the day

No tote for me!
OK, I know this is a shameless attempt to have my birthday acknowledged but so far 3 people in my house have awoken and not remembered :(
Happy birthday from Brazil! Mine is next Sunday June 22....
sandra :)
Happy B'day Carol :)
Happy Birthday!!!! I like to make my bday a big deal so I know how bummed I would be if someone forgot.
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Carol, Happy Birthday to you!
(that was me singing to you)
I'm sure you already know, but birthdays are just not the same after having kids. My daughter's birthday is two days before mine. So my birthday is pretty nonexistant. Some years I'm ok with it, some years it just really stinks.
1965, a very good year! I'll be 43 in December. What a great dishtowel!!!!
Celebrate it yourself!!!! If nobody else makes it special don't let it get you down... Whoop it up! You deserve the cake, the ice cream, and AT LEAST one present to yourself.... and your family can have fun by joining in, and hopefully they'll feel guilty a little bit...
I hope it turns into a happy day for you.
Aww, they did not remember yet? Well, here is wishing you a HAPPY Birthday!!
Happy Birthday!! Love the towel, tote or not.
Happy Birthday! Love that towel. Don't worry if it's not a tote yet -- 1965 will always be your special year.
(This makes me want to go searching for my own birth year towel, by the way...)
Happy happy birthday. Just found your blog and love it. I'm putting you into my Bloglines.
Happy birthday! Mine was Tuesday. I am planning a fabric shopping girls' day out tomorrow to celebrate.
Hope your day is wonderful!
Happy, happy birthday dear bloggy friend. *smooooch*
in a sing-song voice...you're older than meee, you're older than meee...tra la la
I hope you have a lovely birthday! Enjoy every minute of it! You deserve it!
Happy birthday to you!! I hope its filled with many many joys for you! :)
I also wanted to let you know about a giveaway going on over at the blog. If you have a chance swing on by. It lasts until midnight on Thursday (tonight!). :)
Kristin :)
I'm glad I popped onto your site today! Happy Birthday you wonderful, crafty, inspirational woman you!
Thanks for all you do to make OUR days fun and interesting!
well happy bday (a little late) from germany. it was my mom's bday too, i sat straight up in bed at a little after 11pm my time and called her in san diego, ca to wish her a happy bday so poo on anyone who forgot yours! and i so think the tote thing would be awesome!
A very happy birthday to you! I love the linen towel and think it would make for a fabulous sewing project.
It's your own fault you know! You have to start at least a week before giving them all hints! Maybe your kids and the hubby can plead innocent, but not our Mother, she was there! I hope she didn't forget. Anyway, hope you liked my singing message, and I hope it didn't get you all verclempt, I know how you get about singing. Love ya baby sis
Your shamelessness is paying off! Happy birthday! And many, many more to come. :)
A belated Happy Birthday and a big overseas hug to you.
I wish you all the best and many hours of undisturbed sewing:)
Happy Birthday Carol!!!!!!!!! If I were there I would make you eat a bunch of cupcakes and go fabric shopping!
Smiles, Karen
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