I actually sewed more lunchbags but they are more of the same.
It's amazing how much you can get done when no one is interrrupting you, I had forgotten what it is like...it's been over 15 years! I sat at my sewing machine for 12 hours on Saturday only leaving for coffee and a snack and to list Etsy items. It seemed like no time at all. I did miss my Julia, she is my constant companion and quite a chatterbox.
What did you do this weekend?
Good grief, you make me feel like a slug. That's okay because I was mostly a slug the whole weekend. We went to the theatre to see Wall-E (wonderful), floated about in our pool, I read three books, finished knitting my Starfish on the Beach scarf, and now I'm sedately knitting mohair throw pillows for my couch (for when I change my decor from summer to fall). That's it--a slugfest for sure.
WOW - you have been BUSY!! We've been sewing like a storm over here too! School clothes, especially, but also a little this and little that. Your lunch bags are BEAUTIFUL! I imagine they will be much appreciated for the lunch-takers who receive them!
Reclaiming The Home
Holey Smokes lady---you are a sewing machine! LOL! Good for you, you must feel great getting all that done--and it all looks great!
Smiles, Karen
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