Rewind 2 months ago: I woke with a sore ankle (for no reason) and walked 2 miles in the opening day parade for Little League.
Rewind the last 30 years: I have had a lot of foot surgeries so I wasn't alarmed at the pain.
Anyway, I got home and my cankle was HUGE and killing me and has been swollen and hurting ever since. I finally went to my regular doctor who said "hmmm, something is really wrong here, you need an ankle specialist". I went to see my new 12 year old orthopeadic specialist ( I now have two 12 year old specialsts, wah!) and she's pretty sure I have a stress fracture. I need to wear this damn boot for 2 solid weeks and go back for an exam and x-ray. Two solid weeks except for sleeping, showering and driving. The worst part is driving. Take the boot off at the car, drive, put the boot on, do whatever I went there for and repeat. THIS SUCKS! It is also very hot, and itchy. WAH! Oh yeah...I have to sew left-footed now. WAH! Did I ever mention that I live and work on the second floor? WAH! One more thing, I will probably need to continue wearing this another 6 weeks after. WAH!
I am however an optimist...shut up, I am!... and am so happy that I don't need more surgery. Yay!
What a bummer, especially in the summer. When I had to wear a boot for 6 weeks after doing something bad to my ankle, it cleared up my plantar fasciitis, so that was a good thing!
I hope you can get your family to wait on you a little bit!
I'm so sorry Carol! Can you still use your sewing machine? :) No really, I'm hope you're not in pain and will get that thing off your leg before the Summer gets too hot.
nice shoes, I mean shoe. I have the same ones, comfy huh? Boot sucks, wine good, go have some.
oh no!
sorry you have to wear that boot :^(
i can only imagine how much you're hating that thing with all that putting on and taking off. hopefully it won't get too hot and those six weeks fly quickly.
take care :)
Oh Carol, you poor girl....
I'm feeling for you and in summer too. Hope you have a speedy recovery. xx
Ugh Carol!!! You have my sympathy--that doesn't sound like fun at all. Hang in there, you know how fast 2 weeks can go (that's blessing anyways!)
Smiles, Karen
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