I now have a "Sew-it-Yourself Lunchbag Kit" for sale at Handmade Parade

This is perfect for you crafty types who want an oilcloth lunch bag that you have made yourself. The kit includes everything you need including easy directions with pictures.... because I need pictures when I make something.

yippee! how fun for you! and i like your label "shameless self promotion" ; )
That is just fantastic Carol!!! I love this idea and your kit looks great. Best of luck with it!!
Smiles, Karen
p.s. Thanks for the prayers and kindness!
Oh that's so cool! I'm going to pimp you out!
Ok, I linked to you!
Make sure that the pictures in your post link to the Handmade Parade when you click on them. (Instead of Flickr)!
How fabulous, Carol! I'm so tickled about your new kits. As the happy owner of one of your awesome lumch bags, I can attest to their greatness!
Digital Memory sure is becoming cheaper and cheaper and cheaper. I wonder when we will finally reach the rate of 1c to 1 Gig.
I'm quietly waiting for the day when I will finally be able to afford a 20 TB hard disk, hahaha. But for now I will be happy with having a 32 GB Micro SD in my R4i.
(Posted on SurfV3 for R4i Nintendo DS.)
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