Last night was a birthday party for one of her friends. This friend (not pictured) is a cancer survivor and her parents have the means to celebrate BIG every year for her birthday so you can only imagine how big her sweet 16 was!

It was at a fancy country club and all the girls were asked to dress in pink to party. I have never seen so many little pink dresses in one place ever, it was like pepto club.

While the girls were partying it up, the bumble and I actually went out. Without kids. Just 2 of us. Like adults.

We went to the theater and saw "Late Nite Catechism". I laughed so hard that my face hurt and my throat was sore. If it comes to your local theater, GO! Even if you aren't Catholic, you will laugh your ass off, I promise.
Other than that I have been trying to get some Halloween stuff made for the old Etsy shop.

I really have some catching up to do on your blogs, I feel like I've been gone for a while...
have a great week!
did it cross your mind to lock her in the closet? Im glad you got to go out,I miss going to the theater. :)
Oh my--she's a gorgeous young lady Carol! Better keep your baseball bat handy! How fun (giggle...the Pepto party).
How nice that you and hub got to have an actual date, nice!
Smiles, Karen
WOW! Does she take after her Mum?
Gorgeous photos of the girls and your halloween sewing....
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