I guess I knew she'd be accepted but it really was a relief to see it in writing. We're so proud! Please check out my Ebay auction as I will be selling one of my kidneys to pay tuition.
Speaking of Ebay, I made these cute little criss cross coasters from some Ebay fabric squares:
The easy directions can be found here: http://allsorts.typepad.com/allsorts/2006/11/crisscross_coas.html I think I will make more with nicer fabrics now that I got the hang of it.
OK, it can't be all happy news right? Here we go- I have been doing The South Beach Diet for 5 days and guess what???? I have GAINED two pounds!!! I know, I know.... it's not good to weigh yourself every day. Try explaining that to my OCD when it starts to tic. I don't really have OCD but I have a lot of those characteristics. Anyway, it's very discouraging. My metabolism is non-existent. I even exercised for 4 hours yesterday, yes 4 hours. You try walking around a mall lugging bags with 4 girls for 4 hours and tell me it's not exercise, go ahead I dare you!
The only thing that makes me feel a little better is a good fabric therapy session and just look at this:
12" squares of Heather Bailey's Fresh Cut fabric and some fat quarters from Denise Schmidt's Flea Market Fancy. The very nice Starlit Nest over at flickr owns a yarn and fabric shop (can you even imagine???) and sells on-line at http://starlitnest.etsy.com/
I suppose I'd better start cleaning my house, have a great day!
WTG, Samantha!! Congrats :)
Love the new fabric acquisitions :D
thanks P!
Can I come over for some craft & donut therapy? Those little donuts look so cute and Sweet enough to eat!! Were you just giggling the whole time or what? I can't wait to get my HB fabric from Hancock's!! I love the colors and those mums are gorgeous! I will check out the links you posted- Thanks! I haven't tried the coasters yet, but they look like fun!! The bakery boxes are divine! Great job!!
Kim- It was fun for 5 minutes until the fighting started. "those are my sprinkles!" "get your fingers out of the chocolate!" "ewww, you're gross!" "am not" "are too"
I already got my graph paper out and cut up my fabric and now I'm just dying for some sewing machine time!!
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