1- I get dizzy enough to fall over whenever I lift my right arm above my head.
2- I get dizzy enough to fall over if I bend my head down below my waist.
3-Thinking too hard about infinity can send me straight into an anxiety attack.
4-The feel of a popsicle stick is like fingernails on a chalk board to me, it freaks me out to see anyone chewing on one.
5-I went for a chest xray for bronchitis 2 years ago and found out that I have a broken back and am 1 1/2 inches shorter now. I have no clue how or when it happened.
6-I can never pay attention to the weather part of the news. I zone out every time and have to rewind with Tivo.
2- I get dizzy enough to fall over if I bend my head down below my waist.
3-Thinking too hard about infinity can send me straight into an anxiety attack.
4-The feel of a popsicle stick is like fingernails on a chalk board to me, it freaks me out to see anyone chewing on one.
5-I went for a chest xray for bronchitis 2 years ago and found out that I have a broken back and am 1 1/2 inches shorter now. I have no clue how or when it happened.
6-I can never pay attention to the weather part of the news. I zone out every time and have to rewind with Tivo.
7-Doors or cabinets that are left ajar make me batty.
8-I can't stand lights on during the day, it makes me feel queazy if the sun is out.
9-I am allergic to shrimp shells but not shrimp. If I get pricked by a shell my hand swells to twice it's size.
10-I will hold pee for a very, very, very long time in order to avoid a public bathroom.
11-I can remember how people take their coffee from 20 years ago. If I ever bought you a cup of coffee, it's a good guess that I will never forget how you take it. I also remember way too many ancient phone numbers and zip codes.
I'm sure there's a lot more, but this is enough for now.
I hereby tag whomever is reading this!
Warning******* Bragging ahead*****
Sammy's basketball team is going to the state championship with a 12-1 record and one more game to play! These girls kick some serious butt on the court!
Wow, Carol, reading this post made me laugh out loud - so many of your "weird" quirks are my weird quirks, too! :)
Definitely #3 (thinking about eternity when I was a kid gave me panic attacks), #4, #8, and #10! :)
Ha! Your weird things are heaps funnier than other peoples - and yet I can't help thinking 'poor you' if they're all true. It's also funny how you kept going way past 6 where other people stop.
Thanks for sharing! (I'm too chicken)
Flor, I am not a bit surprised!
Sally, it's all true! Funny but true.
C.mon, don't be chicken, tell us yours.
hmmm. Maybe. I'm not convinced. One for here and now may be...
I HATE going to the hairdresser.It doesn't sound like much, but I end up coming home, re-washing and styling my hair and crying a lot because it's never what I asked for (not always the same hairstylist of course).
There. Happy?
I'll get a note from my husband to confirm, it's all true!!
Sally- you are seriously holding out on us here.
well- i think you are weirder than me but still not as weird as some people!! I wonder about the dizzy thing though- have ya been to a doctor lately? sounds like a blood pressure thing? I also have panic attacks when people start supposing- like my mom does this thing wghere she wonders what if,..or suppose...and i go completely insane!!! Cause who knows!!!! whatever! and tell sally that I cry at the hairdressers too!
oh carol , you being weird was an amusing read, will think over my weirdnesses too and try to name them in English, that will need a little more time:-)
Thanks for embracing my "weirdness". There's plenty more that I will save for another time.
Kim- my doctor calls me his enigma, I can do a whole page of medical weirdness!
well- i think you are weirder than me but still not as weird as some people!! I wonder about the dizzy thing though- have ya been to a doctor lately? sounds like a blood pressure thing? I also have panic attacks when people start supposing- like my mom does this thing wghere she wonders what if,..or suppose...and i go completely insane!!! Cause who knows!!!! whatever! and tell sally that I cry at the hairdressers too!
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