Anyway, she's a young, hip, surfer type girl. She has a great staff and they all love her. There are fresh baked, homemade cookies and gourmet coffee in the waiting room every day. It's almost a pleasure going there, EXCEPT I still have to wear this damn boot. We are on an every 2 week basis until it is better. I was certain that it was going to be all better on Monday so I cleaned my house bootless all weekend.

Nothing else is going on here, still sewing oilcloth everyday and sweating in the heat.

I hope you are well and staying cool. Have a great weekend!
The boot is not at all fun but, soon, it will be all over and your freedom will be achieved once again.
I love the new bags and the way each one has its own little personality. I'm still thoroughly crazy over the bag I got from you.
I feel for you and the boot. Have had it too. One good thing about them... you can shave! I once took a Dremel saw and cut off a cast... so I could shave.
Your bags are darling! As usual!!!!
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