How on earth could I possibly resist the new Sublime Stitching patterns???

Oh, I know, I have not even threaded my embroidery needle in months but still...Russian dolls, Black Apple????? I had to.
And then there was a sale going on at Z&S fabric...

Look at these prints! How cute will tote bags made from this be??? Pretty cute, right? And just look at how nicely they wrap it up for you :)

I couldn't pass on these either...

There won't be any/many sewn items coming from me this weekend. This is the first weekend in MONTHS that my calendar has been empty and the house desperately needs someone to clean it. That would be me.
Tomorrow I go back to the dr. for an ankle x-ray, wish me luck!
Happy Sunday friends!
Oooooh......great new fabrics AND embroidery patterns! I'm drooling again! lol I love that retro kitchen print.
Good luck on the doctor visit!
Smiles, Karen
Oh Carol, you too have some great mail. I love those Russian Doll stitcheries.
I do indeed hope that all goes well with your doctor visit.
The fabrics you posted are fantastic and I do love the Sublime Stitching patterns, too.
Can't blame you there! I've been eying those patterns myself!
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