It's 70% humidity.
I have the boot.
But wait...the mailman brought lovely things for me today!
I won a drawing over at casa calamity and the prize was a copy of Cloth Paper Scissors featuring Kim herself

(yay Kim!)
In true Kim fashion, she sent me a sweet little package with a nice note, a packet of tea and my very own Calamity Kim Art Doll!!

It says to collect or trade, I'm keeping mine :)

Thanks Kim, you're swell!
Then there's a package from my long lost friends at
I bet they missed me since I've been on a fabric diet! Anyway, they had a pretty good clearance sale going on and I was able to snag charm squares for $3.98 a pack. You've got to love that!

Suddenly everything seems more bearable.
Ahhhh--good mail is good for the soul! Dang, all I got were bills in my mailbox today :o( Kim is the bomb and I'm totally jealous of your prize!
Smiles, Karen
Oh, and I love the new oilcloth creations from your last post--congrats on the sales!
Such gorgeous mail for yourself. Love all that fabric.
so i am both jealous of your mail and your orthopeadic specialist....:)
what does this say about me?
maybe i need to shop on line more, enter more contests, and get my feet fixed
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