Julia is healing nicley and is happy that she can swim with her cast. We are very happy that she can swim with her cast!! I am still lugging this awful boot around, UGH! I keep telling myself that it is better than having a cast on 24-7 but it really just sucks.
The quilt was well received at the shower on Sunday, I really think she liked it. I also made and gave a belated baby gift to someone at the shower:

Other than that, I have been sewing oilcloth like crazy. For some unknown reason I had a record amount of sales over the weekend. Woohoo!
Here's the new additions:

I hope you are all staying cool, thanks for stopping by!
Oh my goodness, I come back from vacation and see that you and your daughter have injuries. I am so sorry to hear this. My sister broker her toe while I was gone. Somehow I managed to escape any injuries on our vacation adventures. Anyway, I love the new wonders you've created and will have to catch up on what else you did over the past two weeks.
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