Project Runway paper dolls! Julia and I Looooooooooove to watch Project Runway together. I only wish that there were Tim Gunn, Heidi Klum, Nina Garcia and Michael Korrs dolls too. We are, erm... I mean Julia is going to have a lot of fun with these!
Stay tuned this weekend, I hope to have a new and exciting oilcloth item to announce!

Project Runway paper dolls... good idea! The Victoria and Albert Museum in London has cool paper dolls for sale in their shop. I admit it, I bought them. I couldn't resist. And I haven't even got kids. ;-) LOL
I love your descriptive title in your blog banner! So cute! I can identify with the when I'm not feeding someone, I craft.
I saw those paper dolls and thought they were ever so cute. You are tantalizing us with your mystery project; I can hardly wait to see what you're doing.
I think I may need one of those. I used to LOVE Colorforms when I was a wee little one.
Why does all the cool stuff come out after you've already grown up?
Where do you find your oilcloth if I may ask?
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