I am not trying to be elusive at all, I really thought I could bore you all to tears about it over the weekend but I am still waiting to hear. Now there is all this build-up and it's not huge, exciting news... well for me it is.
I'll be back when I can share. In the meantime I am sewing a 30 lunchbag order for someone's company outing next week.
I can't wait to hear about your new project and congrats on the BIG order! :)
I want to be at a company picnic that is giving your wonderful bags :) They are so cheery and fun...
Can't wait to hear what your new project is... I love surprises:)
Stop teasing us. Meany.
Look at all your cute lunchbags all lined up waiting to go to school--reminds me of home when I was a kid (except ours were boring brown paper bags!)
Smiles, Karen
As always, your lunch bags are super cute. And I can hardly wait to hear about this mysterious news. Whatever it is, I hope it brings you much happiness.
ok time's up what is it? Cute bags, for your office picnic?
Oh those are fantastic! I love the colors together, especially the wood one!
I can't wait until you tell us all about your big news!! So exciting!
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